Man do I love vacations! The only thing I don't enjoy about vacations is the getting ready for. That part is stressful! Especially when you are driving 8 hours with your husband and a 2 year old! There is nothing that makes Jim and I argue more than traveling! So you can imagine my excitement! Thankfully we left last night and Kade and I were able to sleep! All I can say is that portable DVD players are ah-mazing!! Except when your child only wants to watch zebra and giraffes (Madagascar). We watched it 3 times. I repeat 3 times. Oh my lord! Oh well, it kept him happy. While we were watching the movie, Jim was up front with headphones on listening to a book on tape. The only time I wanted to punch him in the face the whole trip was when he ran off the road trying to grab sour patch kids. I mean really? You want to jeopardize your family's life over stupid candy? We made it to Jim's moms house around 1:00 this morning but Kade wouldn't go back to sleep until like 4:00 bc he was over tired. After pulling out half my hair, hitting and kicking Jim and I, and hitting me in the head with a baseball bat, he fell asleep only to wake up 3 hours later. Worst night of my life! Oh well, we made it safely. Now tomorrow we are getting up early and driving to Alabama to see some of my family and then to Atlanta to stay with my parents! So unbelievably excited! Here are a few of the pics from our trip so far

Tomorrow starts another day of excitement and another car ride with zebras and giraffes!
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