I'm just going to come out right and say it..... Jim and I have the coolest little boy there is! He is so much fun and just loves living life to the fullest! And, he by far has the best personality of any 2 year old out there! Jim, me, Kade and Jim's mom went out to eat Saturday night and Kade had people mesmerized by him! This one couple couldn't stop staring at him telling me how cute he is, how they couldn't believe how independent he is (cutting his hamburger with a fork and knife. I helped him with the knife part), and how personable he is. Kade was also asking every single person if they "want some" of his Lemonade, while shoving it in everyone's face or direction. It was one of the funniest/cutest things we've seen him do. And of course, because we laugh, he does it even more!

This was Kade and I on our way home from dinner. This is his funny face. We watch a lot of Yo Gabba Gabba and when they do funny faces, this is the go to for most of the kids on the show, which is why that is Kade's funny face. We love it!
On Sunday, we went to Toys R Us to get a portable DVD player (we are making the 8 hour trip to Georgia next month... driving ) and Side walk chalk. Don't you love the man tank that Kade has on? We went to Target on Saturday and they were having a huge sale on boys clothes and when Jim saw this, we had to have it! When I put it on Kade, he was so confused and couldn't figure out where the sleeves were. My parents got him a new pair of sunglasses when they were in San Francisco last month and he loves them! We love them too because when you register them, if something happens to them, you get a brand new pair for free! They are called Babiators (however you spell it).
The Sidewalk chalk was a big hit Sunday afternoon. It kept him busy for a good hour or hour and a half. Nothing ever occupies his time for that long so I was impressed with how much he loved it. It also helped us practice our colors. Let me brag by saying that my smart 2 year old knows all of his colors, primary that is. He doesn't know gold or silver or anything like that. But you could throw red/yellow/green/blue/orange/purple/pink at him and he can tell you exactly what color it is! Below are a few pictures from our Sidewalk Chalk funday!!!
Tracing his hands!
Clean up!
Coloring with daddy!
I absolutely love this sweet boy more than anything! It's amazing watching him learn new things daily and grow into the young boy that he is. Love my family!