This is a picture of the before. As you can see, nothing is wrong with the desk.
And the after picture! I have to say, I think we did a FABULOUS job if I do say so myself! It makes it look like a whole new desk! The desk we had our computer on was nothing special at all. So once we got this new one in, we did a lot of rearranging in our computer room, off of our kitchen. The wall that the computer is on now had a couch. So, we moved the couch to the other wall, where the computer once was.
So, this is a picture from far away. Ignore the filing cabinet in the middle. That is being moved somewhere else, just not right now. Our backs are a little shot from all of this. It won't hurt anyone leaving it be for a little while. This room now looks so much different and bigger!
To end our weekend, Jim and I took Kade to the beach. We haven't been able to go in several weekends due to the weather being so horrible, so we were extremely excited about going. We even got up early for it! Good thing we did, because not even an hour after being there the weather was horrible!
We had to bust it to get out of there before the bottom basically fell out. It was thundering and lightening so bad that it was beyond scary. This is a picture of us driving home right before it rained cats and dogs. Then I pulled up the weather on my phone and it said we were under a significant weather advisory for a severe thunderstorm and possible funnel clouds. Then, I saw this picture below that someone had taken just north of us!
UMMMMM..... Yes very very scary. Waterspout just north of us! Slightly scary... just sayin'. Anyhow, at least we got one good hour! All in all, it was another fabulous weekend with my family! Not excited about going to work tomorrow, that is for sure! Love!!